Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nice Whitetail Buck Found Dead on Our Farm

Every year while pheasant hunting we find the bodies and skeletons of deer that have died on our farm over the summer months. This past weekend my dad found this buck in our CRP field. It has 6 inch bases and 10 inch G2s, I'm not going to guess what it scores but I will put a tape on it over the Thanksgiving break.  Around our area, we usually think poaching before we think disease, but I guess that is just our paranoid nature as some of our neighbors have proved to be less than ethical.  Also, they would probably not miss a chance just to get under our skin by killing a deer on our land and just leaving it lay for us to find.  I guess they succeed because my heart always sinks when I find a buck dead that would've been a great trophy someday or a shooter that fall.  Alternatively it could've died from of a disease such as EHD or predators.  Either way this was a nice buck that is now out of the gene pool and we can only hope that he has sired some offspring for future seasons. Our rifle deer season opens on November 20th and I can't wait. 

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